Friday, July 11, 2014

Featured Friday Sarah English "No she is not an ordinary women at all! She is extraordinary!"

As much as I can I try to feature a new person through my blog so you can see real people doing awesome things.  This week my readers you have the pleasure to meet an amazing women making a difference in a great way!  

Below is the Questions that every Feature is asked.  Enclosed is the answers I receive back.  Enjoy reading about Sarah English she is not just your ordinary lady! She is someone that your children love, look up to and that makes a difference in our world every day.  She is a brilliant woman and a rare gem.  The people who know here are blessed to have her in her life and everyone that is graced by her presence is truly blessed.  She is a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother and a truly inspirational women.  Please enjoy you the story and share this with your friends and family.  Lets show her some love today and thank her for giving her heart each day to our babies in the classroom and outside of the classroom.  Lets thank her today for the love she shows everyone each day and for being the woman she is purposed to be!  Lets thank this extraordinary woman for the true blessing she is and lets show her how beautiful she is!


1) What are you most passionate about?  "I am passionate about helping others and being the best mom I can be. My boys are my world, spending time with them makes me happy. I love working as an Early Head Start teacher helping children learn and grow and being a partner in their child's education to make their schooling be the best possible experience. I think giving back and being proactive in helping others is so important."

2)Tell us why Stella and Dot, what your ambitions are with this company and what you want the public to know about you in general in regards to your business. "Teaching and working with children and families is my passion. I also love fashion, accessories and all things girly. As a girly girl living with all boys, Stella and Dot and the other direct sales companies I work for have been inspiring to me. Not only do I love the jewelry and accessories, I love helping women feel great and build confidence. A new piece of jewelry is a confidence booster and a way to hold your head high when you go out into the world. I believe in empowering women of all walks of life. One thing I love about this company is it enables women to build a business on their own terms and there are opportunities to earn jewelry at a free or half price discount. More than that I love giving women something that makes them feel beautiful and confident to take on life and all the challenges that comes with it." 

3)What are some of the causes you are involved in?  "I am involved with Early Head Start/Head Start. I work for a Tribal Head Start program in Washington State. I am also trained as a Touchpoints trainer in Dr. T. Berry Brazelton's Touchpoints organization in Boston. I love being involved with my community especially when it benefits children and families. I recently did the March of Dimes walk with my children for babies and it was a great experience for me and my boys." 

4)When you leave this world what do you want people to remember you for? "I would like to most be remembered as a mom that was involved in all the aspects of her children's lives and that did work that helped others and the community. "

5)  What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?  "I would like to be remembered as a caring mom, teacher and good friend and listener to others."

6) How can we buy what you sell?  In addition to my teaching job as an Early Head Start teacher I am involved in direct sales with the following companies. 

7)Any big events coming up for you?  "There are always big events when it comes to my children. My son will be finishing up second grade and my new little man is going on eight months. I enjoy every minute with them and everything I do I keep in mind that I am building a better life for them."

8) Are you doing anything in the way of philanthropy? " I try to keep involved with fundraising and events such as the March of Dimes walk. I believe in giving back and teaching my son's to give back to their community."

9)Add anything else you want to share... What you are passionate about etc... "I am passionate about building a great life for my family. I am passionate about helping children and families I work with have a positive, enriching school experience. I am passionate about helping women feel beautiful and build their confidence. "

10)What are some of your vices?  For example coffee in the morning, chocolate, etc... "Coffee!!! make up!"

11)Who is one of your greats and why?  "Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam inspire me. In some of my not so bright days, music has always cheered me up. I love live music and have so many bands I enjoy seeing in person. I love Pearl Jam's message and activism."
12)If you could change one thing in the world what would it be? "To have every child in this world have a happy childhood..... "

I want to personally thank you Sarah for believing in me too.  I am just your ordinary lady trying to do extraordinary things.  You were my first client at Shopandgive5!  You believed enough in me and the product that I was trying to sell to help individuals in need and you my dear friend are one of the reasons I am not quitting!  Thank you for caring enough about a small online store to shop so I can give 5% back in profits!  You sure do look great in our clothes! This dress on you looks fabulous! You wear it well!

Now my dear readers when you need anything please remember to shop small!  You are helping build our economy when you do!  
For Sarah's Stores please click the store name to visit.
                                       Stella & Dot   Jamberry      Chloe and Isabel   

                                                                  Click here to be her fan:


Also know you are loved!
Coach Sarah Thawley
(Hit that share button on this page and let's make Sarah famous!)

(To be featured on a Friday please comment below to learn more!)


  1. This is a brilliant piece. I am so glad that Sarah English is getting the spotlight she deserves. She has cared for all 4 of my children and has given them so much love and wisdom, plus she does it with style. How someone can look glamorous while wiping toddlers noses, I don't know but she does it.

    1. Littlewing,

      Thank you for your comment. She is a beautiful person and I am honored to know her through my social media circles online. Thank you for the compliment. Please help me give her the honor she deserves by sharing this with your circles today!

      God bless,
