Saturday, April 25, 2015

9 Nutrition Myths exposed!

9 Nutrition Myths Exposed

Every fall, the publishing industry begins a new cycle of hitting bookstore shelves with diet books, just in time to help assuage winter holiday guilt and prepare for New Year's resolutions. At the same time, TV stations are in the throes of sweeps periods and launching a new season. You know this is in full swing when you start hearing the local news and talk show pitches: "You can lose 10 pounds in one week and eat whatever you want!" or "A common ingredient in your kitchen that will burn off fat without exercise! Tune in at 11 to see what it is!" Then, in the next media cycle, there will be new books and news stories telling us how the miracle cures were all a load of hooey, but that there are brand-new miracle cures that really work! Here are some common myths that have gone in and out of fashion over the years and the real truth behind the hype.

1. Fat makes you fat
People confuse dietary fat, the fat that we eat, with body fat, the adipose tissue that makes up our spare tires and thunder thighs. It's true that dietary fat contains twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein, but what makes us fat isn't the dietary fat, it's the calories in that fat. In fact, the calories in the carbohydrates and the calories in the protein can also make us fat. Dietary fat is very important to human health, and should make up around 25 to 30 percent of our caloric intake. For one thing, fat helps with the absorption of several vitamins that are only fat-soluble, including vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fats also contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Artery-clogging saturated fats and trans fats should be mostly avoided though, as they will raise blood cholesterol levels (see #2) and clog arteries with plaque.

In the 1980s, fats became vilified by regulatory and health agency reports as being unhealthy overall. The reasoning behind this was that while the agencies were largely targeting saturated fats (as found in animal and dairy products), they believed it would be simpler to tell Americans to avoid all fats instead of having to explain the complexities of saturated, unsaturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, hydrogenated fats, etc. Because of these warnings, the food industries began marketing scores of low-fat or fat-free versions of products. In many cases, they would replace the missing fat with sugar or starch. So while there would be less fat, there would be almost as many calories. Consumers would eat twice as many of the new "reduced-fat" treats and wonder why they weren't losing any weight.

As more studies have come out extolling the benefits of healthy, unsaturated fats such as those found in olive oil, avocados, nuts, fish, etc., more specific recommendations have been made to increase the allowance of good dietary fats while decreasing the allowance of saturated and trans fats. In fact, many makers of cookies, breakfast cereals, and snack chips now trumpet "No Trans Fats" on their packaging. That's great, but don't be fooled into thinking that there are any fewer calories. Just because the manufacturer has shown restraint in not making the food even unhealthier doesn't mean that it's suddenly health food. Some of these "No Trans Fats" products never had trans fats to begin with, but it's good marketing to proclaim it. Now poison free! Not quite as toxic! Just as fattening with less artery plaque! Check the labels and make sure that the kind of fat in the product is unsaturated, for your health—and make sure there aren't too many calories for your waistline. A day's dietary fat intake should be around 60 to 70 grams.

2. Foods with high cholesterol give you high cholesterol
As with dietary fat, foods with high dietary cholesterol levels are believed by many to raise blood cholesterol levels. High blood cholesterol levels have been linked to heart disease and stroke, and levels should be monitored. However, our bodies need some cholesterol for normal cellular function and to assist in the production of bile, which helps the body digest fat. Unfortunately, because dietary and blood cholesterols have been given the same name, people take an attitude of "cholesterol in, cholesterol out." In fact, studies are increasingly showing that high blood cholesterol comes from a diet high in saturated fats, while foods high in dietary cholesterol have a fairly negligible effect on high blood cholesterol. Foods high in dietary cholesterol but low in saturated fat such as eggs, shrimp, lobster, crab, clams, and other shellfish can be safely eaten in moderation without having much effect on blood cholesterol levels. Where this misunderstanding of the causal link between dietary and blood cholesterol levels may have also come from is that many non-seafood animal products contain high levels of dietary cholesterol as well as high levels of saturated fat. So if double cheeseburgers are making regular appearances in your diet, you're going to see a spike in your cholesterol score—but it'll be from the saturated fat.

3. Snacking will cause weight gain
Isn't this what Mom always said? "No snacking or you'll ruin your appetite!" Good! Go ahead, ruin your appetite! If you ruin your appetite, you won't eat so much dinner. Nutrition experts have pretty much come to a consensus that you're much better off having six small meals over the course of the day than two or three giant meals. You'll give your body a steady source of fuel and keep your blood sugar levels and metabolism at an even keel all day long. If you think back to our caveman days, before we sat down to eat civilized meals, we probably just wandered the forests and jungles, eating when we were hungry or when the opportunity arose. Those instincts are worth listening to today. If you have a hunger pang at three o'clock in the afternoon, don't stifle it because you know you're having dinner at seven. You'll be so hungry, you'll approach dinner like a Roman orgy, eating way more than you would have if you had merely satisfied your afternoon hunger with a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts. Keep in mind though, permission to snack isn't permission to stuff your face with Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos, or any other kind of -tos. There should be some sort of strategy to the snacking. Try evenly pacing out the snacks and predetermine a reasonable portion size of a healthy food, so you're not just eating handfuls of something out of a bag.

4. If you exercise enough, you can eat whatever you want
How many times have you heard your horrible friends who never gain weight say, "Oh, I'll just run it off," to justify whatever sinful treat would give you a third buttock if you ate it? It's impossible to keep a fit, healthy figure without both a healthy diet and exercise. It's all right to indulge in the occasional pig-out sometimes. In fact, it's good to reassure your body there's no need to go into starvation mode from time to time. But if you eat that slice of blackout cake, you're looking at a two-hour run just to burn it off, let alone what came before it. Losing weight and maintaining weight is a simple equation: if you burn off more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. Some lucky stiffs have a higher resting metabolism and burn off more calories naturally, but what probably helps your friend burn off the cake faster is that they have more muscle on their body, and, even at rest, muscles burn more calories. So while you can never eat whatever you want and stay thin, you'll be able to indulge in a pig-out every once in a while if you can keep your body muscular and lean. And for those times, you might consider trying exercise designed to burn more calories than walking or running, like Hip Hop Abs® or Turbo Jam® Maximum Results, which will help you maximize the calories you burn in the time you spend exercising.

5. Drinking lots of water flushes fat out
Drinking plenty of water is vital for weight loss. If you're dehydrated, your energy and exercise will suffer. Also, many times we confuse thirst for hunger, so it's always worth trying a glass of H2O before we hit the fridge. Drinking water can even give your metabolism a slight boost. What it does not do is flush fat from your system. Any excess water that your body doesn't need for proper hydration and functioning will simply get peed out, and, sadly, it won't be taking any fat with it. You should make sure that you drink enough water though, but don't go overboard thinking you can chug away your love handles. If you drink too much water at any one time, it could even result in hyponatremia, or water intoxication. However, adult kidneys can process 15 liters of water a day, so drinking too much water day to day is unlikely (it's more likely if you're involved in extreme Ironman-type athletic activities where over- and under-hydration are real possibilities). Keep a water bottle handy and drink when you're thirsty, but if you really think you can flush away your beer gut, you might be drinking a bit too much of something else.

6. Multigrain bread is better than white bread
While whole-grain bread is better than white bread, multigrain bread is only better if the grains are whole grains, which isn't always the case. With the bread industry, it's really important to check the ingredient list carefully. For example, "wheat bread" is just white bread with molasses added for color. So, if anything, it's worse for you than white bread. Unless it says "whole-wheat" bread, you're not getting the added fiber and nutrients that come with using whole grains as ingredients. Many multigrain breads are just processed-flour breads upon which manufacturers sprinkled a couple of sunflower and sesame seeds. Hey, that's two grains, right? That makes it multigrain! So even if the headline on the packaging says "whole-grain," double-check the ingredient list to make sure all the grains, or at least the main ones, are whole. Similarly, many breakfast cereals have switched to whole-grain flour, but if the cereal still contains more sugar than a candy bar, it's not going to move the needle much toward better health. Try to find whole-grain brands with minimal or no sweetening. If you need to, you can always add your own sugar, and at least control the amount you consume.

7. Sugar causes diabetes
Many people falsely assume that because diabetics have to watch their sugar and carbohydrate intake that sugar causes diabetes. But if you don't have diabetes, sugar won't cause you to get it. The main risk factors for type 2 diabetes are being overweight and being inactive. As with fat and cholesterol, blood sugar and dietary sugar are often confused. If you eat sugar, you won't necessarily get diabetes, but sugar is highly caloric and, as part of a high-calorie diet, can be a contributing factor to obesity, which does have a causal link to type 2 diabetes. This isn't to say that it's okay to eat lots of sugar, but it's good to be aware that if you have a high-calorie diet, you are still just as much at risk for diabetes, even if that high-calorie diet doesn't include a lot of sugar. As with most dietary health issues, it's mainly about the calories.

8. Grapefruit burns fat
Anyone who remembers the heydays of the Hollywood or Beverly Hills diets knows that they were good times to invest in grapefruit futures (as well as other "miracle" fruits and vegetables). The theory of those and similar diets was that grapefruit had a secret enzyme that would make body fat disappear. Grapefruit is a very healthy citrus fruit and worth eating as part of a varied diet. It has tons of vitamin C and can help fight arterial plaque buildup, and maybe even certain kinds of cancers. But grapefruit can't burn fat. Cabbage soup can't burn fat. Celery can't burn fat. In fact, no food can. Some foods can temporarily increase your metabolism to assist your exercise efforts in fat loss, but the only way to truly burn fat is through exercise. And, if any fad diet revolves around a secret fat-burning ingredient, that should be a red flag that the diet isn't nutritionally sound. Not to sound like a broken record, but the only way to effectively lose weight is to eat fewer calories and burn off more calories through exercise. Healthy metabolism-boosting foods can help, but they can't do it alone.

9. Light olive oil has fewer calories than olive oil
If you read the labels of various olive oils, you'll notice that light olive oil has pretty much the same amount of calories as any other kind of olive oil. The difference is in the flavor. Light or extra-light olive oil has been heavily processed to remove the strong flavor of olive oil and make it lighter in color. It might even be combined with other vegetable oils to achieve a milder taste and color. It still has just as much fat and calories as extra-virgin olive oil, but not nearly as many nutritional benefits, including vitamin E and polyphenols. Unlike extra-virgin olive oil, light olive oil is an unregulated product, so you don't know what you'll get.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Trusting God

Life has a funny way with it's twist and turns you really never know what is around the corner.  But you can trust in God that no matter what comes your way you will be fine with him in your corner.  I have been through a lot of things in my life time.  I have experienced pain, hurt, betrayal and all of the feelings hell has to offer in these last few months.  However, I have chose to not let this run my life.  I decided to put my eyes on Jesus and allow him to help me.  Right now I am trusting the process, the journey and allowing him to work in me.  The life I literally new was literally ripped from me.  It has been a traumatic experience for me and it literally put me on my knees for two months praying and asking God for guidance.

I made a choice to not let what has happened to me define me or my future.  I am moving forward and living my life happy.  I know that God makes things new and he has done this for me.  He took the old and changed it into something good.

I love that I have freedom in Jesus and that with him all things are possible.  I am happy to know that I am redeemed in him, that no matter what I have Gods grace.  I am at peace knowing that Jesus paid the ultimate price for me.  I am thankful that with my filthy rags God can cleanse my soul.

No matter what you are going through, no matter what sin you carry, burden or anything God can make you whole.  Put your trust in him.  Man will fail you all the time but God will never fail you.

This is the verse I lean on now in my life... In everything I know that God has my back.  He is my ride or die leader and I am his ride or die girl!

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

If God is for us who can be against us?

There is nothing like something so personal, so raw to make you have to reset your life and take a step back to reassess your journey.  This recently happened to me and although it has literally been hell on earth for me I am thankful that I serve a great God that no matter what loves me through it all.  I want to say to you my followers that no matter what you are going through I know that God is here for you.  Put your trust in him today and allow him to guide you.  I know that you may be carrying the hurts from yesterday but allow yourself to try to live in the present.  Try to give all your hurts to him and let him guide you today.

One of my favorite versus that I am leaning on today is Romans 8:31
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

I feel that no matter what you are going through God has a bigger plan for your life.  He can take your awfuls, your hurts and everything that has shaken you up to bless his name.  Are you ready to live a life for God?  Are you ready to live in your awesome and let God use you?  If you ask him to he can and he will.  You just have to trust him to do this.  If you do he will and with God all things are possible for your life.  

If you are trying to lose weight, trying to tone up, trying to meet your goals or needs whatever they may be.  If you ask God to help you, if you allow him to guide you, if you get out of the way and allow him to take the wheel of your life he will and I can tell you that what he can do is a lot more awesome than what you had set on your mind.

God bless you all today and know that you are loved!
Coach Sarah

Monday, November 3, 2014

Introducing Shaun T's Fit Kids™ Club

Introducing Shaun T's Fit Kids™ Club

Joe Wilkes
Featured By Team Beach Body Coach Sarah Thawley
ShaunT’s Fit Kids &#8482 ClubIt's tough being a kid. I know firsthand what it's like to be the last one picked for kickball, if you get picked at all. And how easy it is to forego organized sports for an after-school session with the Atari (for our younger readers, that's an old-school Wii), accompanied by a plate of Double Stuf Oreos and a big glass of sugary Kool-Aid. Hip Hop Abs® creator Shaun T knows firsthand what it's like to overcome the weight issues of youth as well. When he started college, he saw the proverbial Freshman 15 balloon into the Freshman 50. And with a nine-year-old sister, he knew he wanted to create a workout program that would appeal to kids, so she wouldn't become another statistic in the growing childhood obesity epidemic. The result of his research led to the creation of Shaun T's Fit Kids™ Club.
The rise of childhood obesity
Fat KidAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of overweight children aged 6 to 11 has doubled in the last two decades, and the percentage of overweight teenagers has tripled. And at least one third of our kid nation is now overweight or nearly overweight—that's 25 million kids. Adult health problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes (which used to be called adult-onset diabetes) are now shared by children. Obese children also often suffer from sleep apnea, which has been linked to memory and learning problems. And obese kids have a 70-percent chance of being obese adults. Besides the health problems, there are the emotional issues to consider as well. Life isn't easy for a fat kid. The social discrimination against overweight children by peers is substantial and can contribute to low self-esteem and depression.
There are many social and lifestyle changes that have contributed to the decline in children's health: increased time spent sitting in front of computers, video games, or television (three to five hours a day on average); the decrease in funding for physical education classes and athletics in schools; and the proliferation of fast food, junk food, and high fructose corn syrup. But the reasons behind the rise in obesity among children are largely the same as for adults: too many calories consumed and not enough calories expended through exercise.
Fit Kids Club to the rescue
Fat Kid Club2Shaun T wanted to be part of the solution to the childhood obesity crisis, and that's why he developed the Fit Kids Club workout program. The program contains two 25-minute routines, combining dance and light aerobics designed for kids of any age and any fitness level, but, most importantly, designed to be a lot of fun. It's a way to get your kids up and moving without having to drive them to soccer practice or to the Y—for parents extremely short on time. These workouts are fitness and fun combined. No matter how bad the weather, how busy the kid, there's always time for a 25-minute homework break to pop in a DVD and groove it out with Shaun T. Former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona has said that even a relatively small amount of exercise, like walking for 30 minutes five times a week, can greatly benefit weight maintenance and cardiovascular health. And Fit Kids Club is a whole lot more fun and productive than walking.
Also, Fit Kids is about more than just working out. It's about adopting a lifestyle that includes healthy eating, regular exercise, and treating the body with the care it deserves. It's about creating lifelong healthy habits. The four rules of Fit Kids Club are:
  1. I will respect my body and keep it healthy.
  2. I will exercise 3–4 times a week.
  3. I will eat healthy foods to give me energy.
  4. I will drink more water instead of soda.
It sounds simple enough, but motivating kids to follow these rules creates incredible benefits and habits that will last a lifetime. And the key to motivating kids to exercise is making it fun. We've seen time and time again that no exercise regimen can be successful if people don't enjoy doing it, and kids are no different. The great thing about Fit Kids Club, like all of Shaun's programs, is that it doesn't feel like a workout. Your kid will simply feel like they're just dancing. Dance Dance Revolution is great, but Fit Kids Club is even better. It's a full-body workout while learning cool moves like the Hustle, We're Cool, Body Jam, Snake It, and Smooth Groove. The workout is not just boring calisthenics; kids will learn new steps for the next school dance.
Healthy food choices
When Shaun T went to college, he figured out quickly what a good example his mother had set for him. Without Mom to provide healthy square meals with fruit and veggies, Shaun quickly began sliding down the slippery slope of pizzas and Big Gulps and piled on 50 pounds his freshman year. Creating healthy eating habits and teaching your kids how to make healthy choices is the other half of the equation in fighting obesity. Fit Kids Club addresses this with healthy snack tips and a guide for kids on how to read nutrition labels.
Fat Kid Club3Teaching kids how different foods affect their bodies and teaching them the marketing tricks and traps that lure them into making unhealthy choices gives them the power to make the right decisions when parents aren't around. It's important to learn early to avoid trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, unhealthy additives, and other calories that are either empty, or worse, toxic. If you never develop the taste for these ingredients, you'll never have the cravings later in life. It's also an easy trap, especially with growing children, to just say they can eat whatever they want, since kids often don't appear to be gaining weight, no matter how much they eat. But even if they're not gaining weight in adolescence, they're developing habits that can cause significant weight gain and the accompanying health problems as they enter adulthood.
Exercise—learn it, live it, love it!
When I was growing up, physical education consisted of a rigorous regimen of dodgeball and square dancing—not the stuff of champions (and I might add, the opportunities in my life to bust out my square-dance moves have been few and far between). I think the phys ed curriculum (for schools lucky enough to have one) has improved slightly since then, but it's foolhardy to depend on your school system to provide your child with a healthy level of activity. Schools will point to recess as a form of exercise. My grade-school recesses were spent playing marbles or engaging in some amateur form of schoolyard gambling like flipping quarters—activities that, while sometimes profitable, were hardly calorie burners. Not all children's recesses are as misspent as mine were, but the point is that recesses aren't organized physical activity, and most only last 15 minutes or so, not enough time to realize any real cardiovascular benefits.
Fat Kid Club1Kids need to learn to engage their bodies in regular physical exercise. It should become a part of their daily routine, just like doing their homework or brushing their teeth. Parents would never let their kids' teeth fall out because they didn't feel like brushing or going to the dentist, but parents may often overlook the fact that their kids may be spending hours on the couch letting their bodies atrophy. And we possibly let kids get away with this lethargy because, after a long day at work, we don't feel much like exercising ourselves—understandable, but not without consequences for our bodies. Studies show that the next generation may be the first to be less healthy and have a shorter lifespan than the previous. We can combat this by leading by example—exercising with our kids and teaching them the link between exercising regularly and feeling good. And, both parent and child will benefit!
There are a million excuses not to exercise or eat right. I've heard them all and I've made them all—I'm not exempt. For my part, I'm planning on getting all the kids in my life hooked on Fit Kids Club—it's cool, it's fun, and it's healthy. And it gives kids the power to take responsibility for their own physical well-being. It's the perfect time-saver for those with too little to spare. Just pop in the DVD and press play and groove it out with Shaun T.

 Shaun T's Fit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ Club - Kids Get Their Groove On with Shaun TFit Kids™ Club
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A $50.00 value for just $19.95 (+$4.95 s&h)
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Fit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ Club - Shaun T's got a new workoutFit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ Club - For Kids Only!
Get down and get fit with Shaun T's Fit Kids Club workouts for kids ages 7 and up! It's all about sweat, strength, and FUN with mad awesome dance moves that keep you healthy and energized! It doesn't matter what your size or shape is—or even if you can't dance. Shaun T will teach you cool, new steps with rad music so you'll be rockin' out in no time! These workouts are so much fun, you won't even feel like they're exercise!
Fit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ Club - Get 2 Totally Rad WorkoutsFit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ Club - Groove It OutFit Kids™ Club - Groove It Out - Cool MovesFit Kids™ Club - Cool MovesFit Kids™ Club
Get your groove on with Shaun T and the Fit Kids, doing cool dance steps like the Hustle, We're Cool, Body Jam, Wind & Toss, Bounce & Swipe, and Basketball. You'll be having so much fun, you'll forget you're exercising! It’ll become the best part of your day! (25 minutes)
Get funky while you get healthy. Shaun T shows you new hip, hot steps like The Hey!, Snake It, Pound & Hop, Dust & Wave, and Smooth Groove. Learn the coolest moves and get in great shape at the same time! Work it out every day with Shaun T and the Fit Kids. (25 minutes)
Fit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ Club - Plus 3 FREE Bonuses!Fit Kids™ Club - YES! I'd like to get Shaun T's Fit Kids™ Club workout program today!Fit Kids™ Club
  • Healthy kid-friendly snack ideas
  • Guide to learn to read nutrition labels
  • Shaun T's Fit Kids Club wall poster to keep track of your workouts
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30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeFit Kids™ Club - 30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeFit Kids™ Club
Fit Kids™ Club - Plus 3 FREE Bonuses!Fit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ ClubFit Kids™ Club
Portions of the proceeds
of every Shaun T's Fit Kids
Club sale will benefit The
TunaHAKI Foundation.
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The TunaHAKI FoundationFit Kids™ Club
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