Tuesday, November 4, 2014

If God is for us who can be against us?

There is nothing like something so personal, so raw to make you have to reset your life and take a step back to reassess your journey.  This recently happened to me and although it has literally been hell on earth for me I am thankful that I serve a great God that no matter what loves me through it all.  I want to say to you my followers that no matter what you are going through I know that God is here for you.  Put your trust in him today and allow him to guide you.  I know that you may be carrying the hurts from yesterday but allow yourself to try to live in the present.  Try to give all your hurts to him and let him guide you today.

One of my favorite versus that I am leaning on today is Romans 8:31
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

I feel that no matter what you are going through God has a bigger plan for your life.  He can take your awfuls, your hurts and everything that has shaken you up to bless his name.  Are you ready to live a life for God?  Are you ready to live in your awesome and let God use you?  If you ask him to he can and he will.  You just have to trust him to do this.  If you do he will and with God all things are possible for your life.  

If you are trying to lose weight, trying to tone up, trying to meet your goals or needs whatever they may be.  If you ask God to help you, if you allow him to guide you, if you get out of the way and allow him to take the wheel of your life he will and I can tell you that what he can do is a lot more awesome than what you had set on your mind.

God bless you all today and know that you are loved!
Coach Sarah

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