Saturday, March 15, 2014

I am just a gal working towards my healthy!

I was working out the other day to P90X3 and I realized how uncoordinated I am.  I imagine I am not the only one who has this problem and wonders what to do about there arms flapping around and their legs.

Another thing I noticed is that I have to push play to catch my breath!  Doing this routine is not super easy and like everything it takes time and practice.  I know that with time I will become better at this work out and improve.

I do notice that when I am consistent with working out I drop weight quickly while following the nutrition guide with P90X3.  My goal is to be down to 120 by late summer.  I know that if I continue to follow through with my routine  I will be able to do this.

Also, I am hopeful that as I continue to build myself, become a better healthier me others will be interested in doing what I am doing too.

You see I have a goal photo that I am working on becoming.  You may notice it if you are a fan of my Facebook page.  I want to take a photo just like this model in the photo.  I know I can have her shape and I can once again have my healthy back.

They say that when you get married you get comfortable, and gain weight.  For me this is so true.  I have done this.  Before I married my husband I was 120 and I could wear a size 5.  Now that I am married I weigh in at 179 and wear a size 14.  It is amazing how time has flown by and the pounds have added on.  Another thing I notice is because I am not in my twenties anymore my metabolism has slow down.  However, my eating habits have not.

One thing that has helped me keep from going to the refrigerator to grab a snack is drinking shakeology.  It keeps me feeling full, balanced and also it takes care of my chocolate cravings.  I am a big chocolate nut and one thing I love more than anything is a good piece of chocolate.  I like that it has all of my vitamins and nutrition I need for one day.

Now because I have alot of shakeology I switched up my order so that I could try the P90X bars and the supplements.  These should be here any day hopefully.  I am ready to try them and the pre-workout drink E&E.  I am hoping this will boost my energy level, give me the motivation to get moving at 5:30 AM and at 7:30 PM when I work out with my fitness buddies.

One thing I have noticed when I workout alone is I stop the DVD alot.  Whereas when I am working out with someone I stick to it.  I like the little group that has been created through my beach body business to help others.  It is helping me too.  My hope is that I can finally stick to a plan, do what I am suppose to be doing and reach my goal.

If you want someone to help you I do offer free coaching, and I can also help you find a program that works for you through the beach body challenge.  After all, I am just another person like you working on getting healthy!

#CoachSarahThawley <------Friend Requests considered from authentic Facebook accounts! :) <----

(This is the real me! You can catch me on instagram and twitter!)

 This is the the figure and photo I plan on doing once I reach my goal!  (What is your goal?  Do you have a photo you would       like to share with me?)

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