Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beachbody Offers Fundraising Opportunities for Nonprofit Organization

Beachbody Offers Fundraising Opportunities for Nonprofit 


nonprofit-smallAre you a non-profit organization? Are you looking to expand your portfolio of fundraising offerings? Are you tired of offering fundraising product that add little value to a customer’s life? Beachbody offers an incredible fundraising opportunity that is absolutely free. You pay absolutely nothing and receive a 25% commission on all sales. It’s a brilliant way to raise money, help people get fit, and you don’t have to sell cookie dough or candles! Help your community get healthy!
As a certified P90X and Insanity professional, I am always looking for organizations to get involved with in the community. If you know of any nonprofits that would benefit, please let me know! Beachbody’s Non-Profit Coaching Opportunity for fundraising is the perfect way for Churches, Schools, PTA’s and other charitable organizations to earn money as well as help the community at large!
How can the opportunity benefit Churches and religious organizations?
Body Gospel
In addition to the fundraising aspect for being able to sell Beachbody’s incredible products, we can also host a Fit Club on a weekly basis using Beachbody’s Faith Based workout Program, Body Gospel. Fit Clubs will provide the congregation and community with the chance to workout for FREE in a supportive, motivating group setting.
How can the opportunity benefit Schools & PTA’s?
Tony Horton and the Kids
Beachbody offers several workout programs for kids, including “Shaun T’s Fit Kids Club” & “Tony and the Kids” with P90X’s famous trainer Tony Horton.  In addition to being able to sell these workouts and any of the Beachbody workout programs and products, your school or PTA can organize and hold FREE Fit Clubs for Kids using these workouts as well as Fit Clubs for adults.
How do we get a Fit Club Started?
That is the easy part.  As your coach,  I will not only help you organize and get a Fit Club started, but I will even help get them started until you feel comfortable enough to hold them on your own.  If you’d like me to attend each week, or if you are interested in holding a Fit Club without becoming a Non-Profit Beachbody Coach, I will hold them for your organization. As the host, you are responsible for the provision of a facility to hold the weekly fit club.
What is the Beachbody program for nonprofit organizations?
This is an opportunity for a qualified, charitable organization (IRS designated 501(c)(3) or other officially designated Tax Exempt Organization) to earn money with a Team Beachbody® Coach business. Qualified organizations can sign up as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach—free of sign-up and business-services fees—and participate in the income-earning opportunities (i.e., retail, team bonus cycle bonuses, etc.).
What are the benefits to the organization?
  • No sign-up fees.
  • No business service fees.
  • 25% commission on retail sales..
  • Weekly commission checks.
  • Web site with online store.
  • Easy administration.
  • 25% discount on fitness and nutritional products.
How to Get Started:
  1. Complete a Team Beachbody Nonprofit Coach Application form, and fax it along with supporting paperwork to Coach Relations at (310)-453-3639 or by e-mail to coachrelations@teambeachbody.com. In case you do not have access to either a printer or a fax, I can arrange to snail mail the forms to you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
    NOTE: You do not need to include a credit card number on the form if you are NOT purchasing a challenge pack! In the sponsoring coach area include the following info. You can leave the phone and sponsor’s signature blank.
  2. Appoint a Business Administrator. Each nonprofit organization must appoint an adult (18 years of age or older) to be the account administrator responsible for the organization’s Coach Business Center. NOTE: This individual cannot enroll as a Coach elsewhere in the organization.
  3. Provide proof of 501(c)(3) status. The organization must fax a copy of their IRS 501(c)(3) Determination Letter or an IRS Letter showing they are part of a taxexempt organization.

Nonprofit Organization Program F.A.Q.

How can the nonprofit organization make money?
There are three ways.
    • First, the organization can purchase products at wholesale and then turn around and sell them at retail (i.e., purchase 50 videos and sell them at a Spring Carnival—making $8.00 per video).
    • Secondly, the organization can send customers directly to their Team Beachbody Web site to order products. This method can help the nonprofit Coach achieve active status for the organization, should they desire it.
    • Thirdly, the organization (or their sponsor) can enroll other Coaches and build a Team from which they may earn team cycle bonuses.
What is the message (pitch) from the organization to their members?
This can be communicated as the healthy alternative fundraiser where members can get healthy and fit—a win-win for everyone.
Who is the administrator for the organization, and what is their role?
An administrator is necessary to manage the nonprofit Coach Business Center (credit card, Web site administration, account updates, etc.). This administrator will need to answer or redirect customer questions. An event chairperson or assigned person responsible for coordinating activities can act as the administrator. The administrator cannot have his or her own Coach business. The
administrator must be 18 years of age or older.
Who are the commission checks made out to?
Any commissions earned will be paid through weekly checks made out to the charitable organization. The organization can also choose a direct deposit option (EFT—Electronic Funds Transfer), and their commissions will be electronically transferred into their account.
How does the organization set up their Coach Business Center?
The organization will have to sign up as a Coach via a manual process (not online). This means they will need to produce the necessary forms and applications and fax/email them to Coach Relations.
Administrative forms needed:
    • A Nonprofit Coach Application
    • Proof of 501(c) Status (IRS Ruling Letter of IRS Letter of Determination)
How to submit to Coach Relations:
Email: coachrelations@teambeachbody.com
Fax: 1 (310) 453-3639
Coach ID 282500

Monday, July 28, 2014

5 Reasons You Should Walk More

5 Reasons You Should Walk More

By Zack Zeigler 
Featured By: Team Beach Body Coach Sarah Thawley
Couple Out for a Walk 
More than one-third of the adults in the United States are obese, according to the eggheads at Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And, over the years, that number hasn't been getting better…it's been getting worse. And obesity can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and much more.
But, taking a daily walk can help you stay in shape—and if you are obese or overweight, it's a low-impact way to ease into exercise. If you combine your daily jaunt with sensible dietary substitutions, like consuming fewer simple carbs and replacing soda with water, the walk can be surprisingly beneficial for weight loss. On top of that, walking can also elevate mood and alleviate stress. But that's not all.
Here are 5 more reasons you should take a walk.
1. Walking Aids Digestion
According to research that appeared in The New York Times, a post-meal walk can aid digestion and control blood sugar levels. Alternatively, physically moving away from the dinner table eliminates the possibility of going back for seconds, thirds, or nineteenths.
2. Walking Is Good For Your Bones
You won't bulk up your quads, hammys, or glutes in the same manner you would by performing load-bearing exercises like barbell squats or deadlifts, but walking still builds strength.
"Walking strengthens the legs and core, and improves cardiovascular fitness," says Lisa Lynn, PT, FT, a specialist in performance nutrition. "In fact, walking strengthens the bones better than biking, swimming, or elliptical training."
Just a friendly tip: Avoid texting while walking. Researchers found that walking texters or readers were found to have shoddy balance. Stumbling into oncoming traffic while texting increases your odds of having all 206 bones in your body smashed into bits. Plus, you might also dent the person's car.
3. Walking Is Low Impact 
Sometimes our bodies need a break from demanding exercises like burpees, rock star hops, and jump squats. But taking a time out from high-impact movements doesn't give you permission to become a loafer.
When your goal is to lose weight aim to walk for 20 minutes per day, suggests Lynn. If your diet isn't as clean as it should be (put those Funyuns down right this second!), boost your walking time up to an hour per day. "We're supposed to be getting 10,000 steps daily," Lynn recommends, "so how long you walk really depends on how active you are and how much you sit."
And on the topic of sitting, use some of those steps to stand up and walk around a little at least once an hour. Prolonged time on your posterior isn't healthy.
4. Walking Can Improve Your Mood
Sitting all day under florescent lights, dealing with annoying emails and TPS reports as you watch your lunch hour blow past can be both infuriating and stressful. So, go for a walk. Assuming you're not walking through a methane garden, the new stimuli and fresh air you encounter during a walk can help calm you down and prevent you from Hulking up on your coworkers.
"A walk is a great way to clear your head and serve as a form of meditation for today's anxious society," Lynn explains. "It's a fast way to boost mood…and a great way to detox both mentally and physically."
5. Walking Cures Laziness
There's no excuse not to take a walk. "When you don't feel up to the hardcore, overzealous exercise, walking is a huge victory," adds Lynn. "Walking keeps our bodies pliable and our joints and muscles loose and in working order. I tell my clients that if you rest you'll rust, but you won't if you walk!"

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Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement or meal replacement product.


Monday, July 21, 2014

PiYo® Moves to Tighten and Tone Your Buns

PiYo® Moves to Tighten and Tone Your Buns

By Rebecca Swanner 

Featured by: Team Beach Body Coach SarahThawley

PiYo's Trainer Chalene Johnson

Whether or not you're a Pilates or yoga lover or you're new to working out in this way, you're going to love Chalene Johnson's newest fitness program: PiYo. Using yoga and Pilates-inspired moves, Chalene has created a program that will not just help you lose weight, but will also help improve your flexibility and resistance to injury. And…while doing it, you'll also get to sculpt and tone your buns. In fact, PiYo Buns is devoted to your quadriceps, hamstrings, and booty!
Strong butt muscles, or glutes, are important for a bunch of reasons. They're part of a group of muscles commonly referred to as your core. Like your abs, they support and protect the rest of your body, particularly your back. Having a strong butt can go a long way toward elevating back pain.
They're also lumped in with a group of muscles called your posterior chain, a fancy term for the muscles on your backside, including the spinal erectors, hamstrings, and glutes. People tend to focus on front muscles like pecs, abs, and quads, which create an imbalance that can lead to injury and general discomfort. Keeping your glutes and the rest of the chain strong can help with all kinds of issues—including back pain (again) and, believe it or not, your knees. It can also improve performance.
But, more important than any of these things, a strong butt is crucial if you want to properly rock a pair of jeans! PiYo can help you get there. But, since it's exclusive to Team Beachbody® for now, pick up a copy through your Coach. And, while you're waiting for it to arrive, do these 5 moves in order and repeat sequence 3 times for a tighter, sexier butt.

Narrow Squat

Narrow Squat
Stand with your feet parallel and 4"–5" apart. Keep your chest lifted, abs engaged, and your weight in your heels. Bend both knees, lowering your glutes as low as you can and then extend your knees, standing ¾ of the way up. Bend knees again deeply and repeat. If you feel like you're going to fall backwards, you're doing it correctly.
Workout: Do 10 Narrow Squats. Go down and pulse for three and stand ¾ of the way up.
Note: If you have knee issues, don't go as deep.

Sumo Squat

Sumo Squat
For this wider squat, stand with your feet wider than your shoulders, and externally rotate your feet. Bend both knees, keeping your tailbone and abs tucked in, making sure to not let your knees go out over your toes. Drive both heels into the ground, engaging your inner thighs, and squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to come ¾ of the way back to standing.
Workout: Do 10 Sumo Squats. Go down and pulse for three and stand ¾ of the way up.

Pulsing Lunges

Pulsing Lunges
Begin with feet in a hip-width, parallel position. Step back with your left leg, keeping both feet and hips facing front. Bend both knees deeply with your hands in front of you, letting back leg hover just off of the ground. Keep the chest up and abs pulled in. Pulse three times and return to standing. Repeat.
Workout: Do 10 Pulsing Lunges. Repeat with the right leg.
Note: If this bothers your knee, still take a wide step, but don't lunge so deeply.


This move is similar to one you'd make on the lanes. Begin with feet in a hip-width, parallel position. Keeping your weight on your right foot, step your left foot behind your right, crossing it behind your right leg. Bend both knees, keeping chest lifted and abs pulled in, until front thigh is parallel to the floor. Pulse three times, then return to the starting position and tap your foot on the ground.
Workout: Do 10 Bowlers. Repeat with the right leg.

Leg Lifts

Leg Lifts

Place a folded up towel or yoga mat on the ground to protect your knees. Come on to all fours, hands directly under the shoulders, and knees under the hips. Engage your abs, keep your hips level, and extend your left leg behind you, straight and parallel to the floor. Next, bring the leg to the side, perpendicular to your body, again straight and parallel to the floor. Return the leg behind you and repeat. Make sure to keep your core tight the whole time—only your leg should move.
Workout: Do 10 Leg Lifts. Repeat with the right leg.


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Click here to view the invitation!

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Featured Friday Sarah English "No she is not an ordinary women at all! She is extraordinary!"

As much as I can I try to feature a new person through my blog so you can see real people doing awesome things.  This week my readers you have the pleasure to meet an amazing women making a difference in a great way!  

Below is the Questions that every Feature is asked.  Enclosed is the answers I receive back.  Enjoy reading about Sarah English she is not just your ordinary lady! She is someone that your children love, look up to and that makes a difference in our world every day.  She is a brilliant woman and a rare gem.  The people who know here are blessed to have her in her life and everyone that is graced by her presence is truly blessed.  She is a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother and a truly inspirational women.  Please enjoy you the story and share this with your friends and family.  Lets show her some love today and thank her for giving her heart each day to our babies in the classroom and outside of the classroom.  Lets thank her today for the love she shows everyone each day and for being the woman she is purposed to be!  Lets thank this extraordinary woman for the true blessing she is and lets show her how beautiful she is!


1) What are you most passionate about?  "I am passionate about helping others and being the best mom I can be. My boys are my world, spending time with them makes me happy. I love working as an Early Head Start teacher helping children learn and grow and being a partner in their child's education to make their schooling be the best possible experience. I think giving back and being proactive in helping others is so important."

2)Tell us why Stella and Dot, what your ambitions are with this company and what you want the public to know about you in general in regards to your business. "Teaching and working with children and families is my passion. I also love fashion, accessories and all things girly. As a girly girl living with all boys, Stella and Dot and the other direct sales companies I work for have been inspiring to me. Not only do I love the jewelry and accessories, I love helping women feel great and build confidence. A new piece of jewelry is a confidence booster and a way to hold your head high when you go out into the world. I believe in empowering women of all walks of life. One thing I love about this company is it enables women to build a business on their own terms and there are opportunities to earn jewelry at a free or half price discount. More than that I love giving women something that makes them feel beautiful and confident to take on life and all the challenges that comes with it." 

3)What are some of the causes you are involved in?  "I am involved with Early Head Start/Head Start. I work for a Tribal Head Start program in Washington State. I am also trained as a Touchpoints trainer in Dr. T. Berry Brazelton's Touchpoints organization in Boston. I love being involved with my community especially when it benefits children and families. I recently did the March of Dimes walk with my children for babies and it was a great experience for me and my boys." 

4)When you leave this world what do you want people to remember you for? "I would like to most be remembered as a mom that was involved in all the aspects of her children's lives and that did work that helped others and the community. "

5)  What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?  "I would like to be remembered as a caring mom, teacher and good friend and listener to others."

6) How can we buy what you sell?  In addition to my teaching job as an Early Head Start teacher I am involved in direct sales with the following companies. 

7)Any big events coming up for you?  "There are always big events when it comes to my children. My son will be finishing up second grade and my new little man is going on eight months. I enjoy every minute with them and everything I do I keep in mind that I am building a better life for them."

8) Are you doing anything in the way of philanthropy? " I try to keep involved with fundraising and events such as the March of Dimes walk. I believe in giving back and teaching my son's to give back to their community."

9)Add anything else you want to share... What you are passionate about etc... "I am passionate about building a great life for my family. I am passionate about helping children and families I work with have a positive, enriching school experience. I am passionate about helping women feel beautiful and build their confidence. "

10)What are some of your vices?  For example coffee in the morning, chocolate, etc... "Coffee!!! make up!"

11)Who is one of your greats and why?  "Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam inspire me. In some of my not so bright days, music has always cheered me up. I love live music and have so many bands I enjoy seeing in person. I love Pearl Jam's message and activism."
12)If you could change one thing in the world what would it be? "To have every child in this world have a happy childhood..... "

I want to personally thank you Sarah for believing in me too.  I am just your ordinary lady trying to do extraordinary things.  You were my first client at Shopandgive5!  You believed enough in me and the product that I was trying to sell to help individuals in need and you my dear friend are one of the reasons I am not quitting!  Thank you for caring enough about a small online store to shop so I can give 5% back in profits!  You sure do look great in our clothes! This dress on you looks fabulous! You wear it well!

Now my dear readers when you need anything please remember to shop small!  You are helping build our economy when you do!  
For Sarah's Stores please click the store name to visit.
                                       Stella & Dot   Jamberry      Chloe and Isabel   

                                                                  Click here to be her fan:


Also know you are loved!
Coach Sarah Thawley
(Hit that share button on this page and let's make Sarah famous!)

(To be featured on a Friday please comment below to learn more!)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ask the Expert: Can You Be Overweight and Healthy?

Ask the Expert: Can You Be Overweight and Healthy?

By Denis Faye

Featured by: Team Beach Body Coach Sarah Thawley

Woman Stretching

The Short Answer:

There are always anomalies, but generally, the answer is no. The laundry list of ailments that accompany excess body fat grows every day: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, and on and on.
Mind you, I'm not talking about a few extra pounds. You can be healthy as a horse without a six-pack or that little gap skinny women have between their thighs when they wear boy shorts. If you eat a nutritious, varied diet and exercise regularly, you may not be as thin as the bikini model who lives across the street, but you're fine. Healthy comes in all shapes and sizes—except maybe XXXL.

The Long Answer:

Before considering the science, consider the common sense. Being overweight or obese means you're lugging extra pounds around. If it's just a matter of five or six lbs. over your ideal weight, then it's not that big of a deal. It's kind of like spending all your time with a backpack filled with textbooks. But once you go beyond that, you're putting a lot of strain on your body. Imagine carrying around a 50-lb. dumbbell all day, every day. It's almost as though you're forcing your body into a perpetual state of overtraining. That extra weight puts pressure on your joints, which can lead to arthritis. It also puts extra pressure on your cardiovascular system, which can lead to heart complications.
Then, there's the question of diet. Overweight people tend to eat too many calories—and those calories are often heavy on the refined carbs and "bad" fats. Both of these substances can cause a buildup of plaque on arteries. Refined carbs can also cause insulin resistance, leading to type 2 diabetes.
There are also the other illnesses that, according to the National Institute of Health, are statistically higher in heavier people, including colon, breast, endometrial, and gallbladder cancers, sleep apnea, and gallstones.
The "fit and fat" debate hit the spotlight last January when a meta-review in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) came out claiming that overweight people lived longer than skinny people. Advocates of the overweight lifestyle, or "fatvocates," took to the streets singing the praises of the study.
Much of the media glossed over the fact that the JAMA study made a distinction between "obese" and "overweight." Overweight people with a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 29 were the ones who supposedly lived longer. "Grade 1" obese people with a BMI between 30 and 34 fared the same as normal-weight people. People with a BMI of 35 or more had the highest risk of death of anyone.
Unfortunately (for overweight people), the review turned out to be flawed and spent the rest of 2013 being roundly criticized. The Center for Science in the Public Interest reported on a number of flaws in their newsletter Nutrition Action. The study didn't account for smokers, who tend to be thinner. It didn't account for people with cancer, dementia, or emphysema; all who tend to lose weight. It also didn't account for age, and people tend to lose weight before they die of old age–related illnesses. So people can become thin—too thin—when they're sick or dying, but that doesn't mean being thin was the cause of death. Not accounting for this threw off the numbers.
Next, the Canadians jumped into the fray, releasing their own meta-review that accounted for people with metabolic syndrome—a group of conditions that includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, dodgy cholesterol, and excess abdominal fat. These put you at higher risk for heart disease and diabetes. They found that metabolically unhealthy people were at risk regardless of weight. However, when they looked at people without metabolic issues, they found that obese ones had a higher risk of death.
Healthy overweight and healthy normal-sized people had the same level of risk. However, overweight people had slightly higher metabolic markers (for instance, slightly higher blood pressure) and this indicated a greater chance of complications down the road.
And, of course, there are other studies such as the National Cancer Institute's research in The New England Journal of Medicine, which crunched its own numbers and discovered that, among nonsmokers, normal-weight people had a much better chance of living when compared to even mildly overweight people.
To sum all this up, if you're obese, you should really do something about it because multiple studies have confirmed that you're more susceptible to the shopping list of sicknesses listed above. But if you're just a little overweight, you may or may not be in trouble; it depends on who you want to believe.
But as much as I'm a crusader for wellness-inspired weight loss, one flaw with all these studies is that they're based on BMI, which is a faulty measurement. Given it's a simple height/weight ratio, most bodybuilders—not to mention athletes in other sports requiring serious muscle—would be considered obese.
Or take me. I'm 5' 11", 160 pounds. My BMI is 23, which puts me right in the middle of "normal." However, I also have about 9% body fat, which is considerably below "normal." According to the American Council on Exercise, 14–17% is a "fitness" level and 18–24% is "normal." If I'd added that amount of fat to my frame, my BMI would classify me as overweight, maybe even obese.
So you need to take all this science with a grain of salt.
If your BMI is 30+, your waistline is on or near to 35 inches (for women) or 40 inches (for men), and you don't know a barbell from a kettlebell, then you're probably obese and headed for trouble. Otherwise, use your common sense as a guide.
Does your blood work come back sparkling? Do you eat a diet that's primarily veggies and fruits, followed by whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats? Do you eat little or no added sugar, processed food, and fried food? Do you work out or get some serious exercise at least 4 times a week? Do you feel good in your body? If you can answer "yes" to these things, you're probably at a good weight—and if you're not, you'll get there soon enough.

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Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement or meal replacement product.