Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Okay guys and gals I have been slacking on the eating right, working on out forum here.  Also personally too.  I see a cupcake, chocolate ice cream or anything that is not good for me and like a stealth ninja two seconds later it is gone!  "Poof!" Yeah, I turned into the girl that eats everything in sight.  It is horrible I know and I love food!  Luckily I have plenty of  motivation to get me working out right?

You would think this would be the situation.  You would think that I would go all out and just give it all up!  Nope I have caved!  But that is okay after feeling like death for awhile and knowing that I need to change my life for the better I have made the decision and starting Monday I will be taking it slow but steady to get rid of my bad food addictions once and for all!

I have sushi plans with my girlfriends so Monday is my starting day.  21 days from now I hope to see a thinner and feel a healthier me!

I know that I won't drop 2 pants sizes over night that would be so awesome if I did.  But it doesn't happen like this.

So hopefully I can push forward and get through this.  I have a group I have started on Facebook and Google+ if you want to join me in getting healthy please do!

Now I am doing the 21 day fix if anyone is curious to know.  I like it because I can put my food in small containers to carry with me to work.  

I like this bible verse it has always been my favorite.  I know that in many ways everything we do has a spiritual purpose be hind it.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

Now I have always been the girl that could eat anything and never have to worry about anything. But now that I am in my thirty somethings cake really loves my body if you know what I am mean!


So if you are up for getting fit with me or providing support or a necessary nudge please join one of my groups and starting Monday we are going to do this together!

Thank you for the support and if you wear a cape please break it out.  I will need all my super heroes around!

Hugs and Love
Remember to shop small!
When you buy I give back!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

"Featured Friday" You never know who you are going to run into or how they are going to help you.

You never know who you are going to run into or how they are going to help you. I sometimes frequent the Stevensville, Maryland Crackerbarrel. Being from the south it is the food I enjoy the most. I decided to stop into this restaurant after a long week at work. I figured instead of trying to figure out what to eat I would just have my meal fixed for me and enjoy the luxury of having someone else care for me and the clean up. I met Nick that night and his random act of kindness made a big difference in my heart. I am normally the one who pays it forward for someone by doing small things like buying someones meal, paying there toll through the bay bridge, giving random compliments through out the day just to replace a frown with a beautiful smile. Yeah that is normal thing I do to help others. As I was sitting there eating my food another couple was doing the same. I ordered roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans and a sweet tea for those foodies that want to know what I was eating. So I was enjoying my food, had a little chat with Nick before he started taking my order and man that guy has a great presence about him. It was nice to be in his company even though I was just a patron and he was serving me my meal. Anyway, the couple was sitting there enjoying there meal talking to each other and I of course was playing on my iPhone thinking maybe I should buy there dinner. Well, time had passed they and the bill had came. Unfortunately I was too late to ask my server Nick for the bill so I could pay it forward. When I asked for my check I was expecting it of course but Nick came back to me and said “you don’t owe anything tonight.” I was floored and wondering why. That is when I got to hear how someone paid it forward for him. You really never know who you might run into and how they may help you. What he didn’t know or anyone for that matter is I was having a crazy busy week with work, and traffic was awful. 
So feeling the spirit move my way to give back to me was really an honor. Let me introduce you to a really humble, kind and caring guy. I wish more people would emulate his act of kindness and help others. I feel if they did our world would be a little bit brighter. Nick is just a regular guy with an artistic kind heart. 
He is very passionate about comics, music, surfing,his pet ferrets and archery. He loves George Perez and enjoys talking to his friends and family about the depth of his art work. He is inspired by his art and feels he is a true genius in the art world. The legacy he wants to leave behind is his art he wants people to get lost in his art like many of the greats he has known and come to love such as Perez, Lee, Ditko and many others. He loves to draw and has been a natural artist since birth. He loves surfing, making music and building projects. He enjoys being an innovator and creating new things.

He is really a quick learner and is a Jack of all Trades. He is a person that exudes confidence and upon meeting him you would realize that he is a very confident, hard working, fun loving individual that would do almost anything to help you out. He is transparent with his feelings. He doesn’t hide anything in the way of this and is a very honest person when it comes to showing his real emotions to others. He is that guy that likes to “wear his heart on his sleeves.” Mr. Hackett is more than just another Cracker Barrel server. Yes of course you will see him taking orders or even have him placing your own. But he is one of our fine military man who who enlisted in the military branch of the Army to better himself. He wanted to move out of his fathers house and become more of a self reliant individual. I think he has done a fine job of this and has a lot to offer society. With his artistic skills he would love to find himself in a place where he could be using his art for the greater good. He has enjoyed this artistic passion of his for over 24 years and would love to find a place in the world with a company where he could use his talents to inspire other individuals. 

 I asked Mr. Hackett why he chose me to pay it forward to out of all the other people he served that day. This is his story: "I was given $60 the night before my fiancé’s birthday, from a regular from my restaurant, just as a random act of kindness. That whole week had been a good one as far as money (the same week I waited on your table), but that day you came in, it wasn’t very busy, so I only have a few bucks on me, so I told myself, “You got a full tank of gas and your finances are straight. Do something good with the only money you made today.” After I placed your order, I noticed the bill was just $10, which was all I had made. I made my decision that moment. And every once in a while, when I’ve got some extra cash, I do something along those lines.” 

Now our wonderful Army guy who loves comics and should be doing this for a career is getting married. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials and we hope you two have a very happy life together. The two of them met at Cracker Barrel. His fiancé Kim just brightened his day with her presence. When they decided to find a place together he decided to propose and they were outside the drive way deciding on which car to sell. He told her to look at the tread on his tires and when she turned around he was on one knee with a engagement ring in his hand. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. “When you work as much as we do you have to make due with your surroundings that you have available. I had been hiding the ring behind an electrical outlet in the dry wall to make sure she would not find the ring by mistake.” When Nick first started his current job. He had a really serious drinking problem and he was living in his car for 10 1/2 months. Kim his fiancé pulled him out of this life and helped him to sober up. His fiancé is what keeps him going and together with there beautiful ferrets they have a wonderful life together. Thank you Nick for sharing your story with us and for paying it forward in such a wonderful way. May God bless you and Kim throughout your lives together. 
If you need someone who has real talent and will put his heart into the work for your company this is a class act guy that will follow through for you!  Lets help him use his talents and gifts readers! 
If anyone is looking for a very talented guy with great integrity to employ for artistic comic work or other awesome skills please send your inquiries to You need a guy like this helping your business thrive!
To Ms. Sandra B. Cochran of Cracker Barrel and the manager of Stevensville, Maryland Crackerbarrel restaurant you have a really class act guy on your team and I hope you will look into future promotions for him. You need more “Nicks” on your staff!
Now if you are ever traveling readers you have to stop into a Crackerbarrel near you!  The food is amazing!  I highly recommend the roast beef, with mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans!  Yum! Here is the link for you to go look over the menu and drool.

Now if you are on the Eastern Shore of Maryland please stop by my favorite Crackerbarrel
I know these wonderful folks will take real good care of you!
Also, if you are lucky you may be able to have Nick and his fiancé Kim wait on you or stop by to say hello.

The address:
115 Blue Star Memorial Hwy, Stevensville, MD 21666
Phone: 410-643-3481

Also I just would not feel right without giving high praise to the managers and staff of this restaurant.  It is one place as a picky eater I feel comfortable enough eating.  The restaurant is always clean, bathrooms included, staff are so helpful, nice and friendly.  So Kudos to all of you hard working men and women taking care of us travelers and every day workers who just want a good meal during our day!  Thank you so much you all are awesome!

Stay Blessed,#CoachSarahThawley (support small businesses!)