Sunday, December 22, 2013

Can I Exercise with a Cold?

Ask the Expert: Can I Exercise with a Cold?

By Steve Edwards
Taken from:

Woman Running

Shut it down and get some rest, Amen!  It will help you get well sooner and it might end up improving your results in the long term.
When you're sick, your body uses its recovery properties to fight the illness. When you exercise, you use these same properties to recover. To your body, trying to exercise when you're sick is effectively the same thing as overtraining. You won't be able to recover from exercise, rendering it useless, as well as increasing the risk of making your illness worse and lengthening your downtime.

Believe it or not, there are actually a couple of upsides to being sick. It both raises your metabolism and heightens your immune response, meaning that you can eat more than normal and not gain weight. Your immune system also releases performance-enhancing hormones that both fight the infection and help you heal microtrauma incurred during your training program. Because of these factors, when I'm sick during a training cycle I consider it my recovery week. Here is my protocol:
At the onset of symptoms I bump my vitamin C and zinc levels, drink a ton of water, and sleep as much as possible. If I catch it early enough, I'll miss the cold. However, your body plays an insidious trick on you at the onset of a cold. Before you feel symptoms, your adrenal system kick-starts the immune response, which often results in a great workout—too good. Prior to a competition, if an athlete sets a personal record or looks too strong, their coach will often shut them down in anticipation of potential pending illness. If a workout feels spectacular out of the blue, consider backing off and adding immune-boosting supplements to your regimen.
Once I know I'm sick, I rest as much as I possibly can. I clear my social schedule, work as little as possible, and shelve any projects (even mental ones) that can wait. My diet becomes very clean. No coffee, alcohol, sugar, junk, and I drink a ton of water. Also, I eat a lot of small meals all day long. Your body needs nutrients when it's sick but doesn't want the energy burden of digesting large meals.
 Woman Doing YogaWhen the cold has turned the corner I begin moving more. I'll do low-level aerobic exercise and light yoga—restorative exercise. I'll build this gradually as I feel better, so that when the symptoms are gone I can hit it hard, right where I left off. When I follow my protocol strictly it will actually aid my fitness program in the long run.
Finally, there are times when you're sick when hard exercise might help, but it's rare. The most common is near the end of a cold, where the infection has run its course but you still have minor symptoms. You might have heard someone say, "I blew the cold out of my system" with exercise. Just be careful you don't try this too early or you'll get worse. Patience may not be your favorite part of training, but sometimes you gotta not do what you gotta not do.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Best and Worst Holiday Appetizers

The Best and Worst Holiday Appetizers By Kara Wahlgren Taken from 'Tis the season for holiday parties, and if there's one thing you're dreading more than awkward conversations with drunken acquaintances, it's the array of deep-fried diet-busters awaiting you at the refreshment table. How are you supposed to keep eating healthy and feeling under-the-mistletoe sexy when cocktail franks are calling your name? We asked Ani Aratounians, MS, RD, the manager of nutrition and culinary development for Team Beachbody®, to help us navigate the good, the bad, and the ugly among your favorite holiday appetizers. Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings Hummus and Veggies What's Good: "Hummus is an exceptionally healthy food, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, zinc, and magnesium," says Aratounians. "Paired with fresh veggies, it becomes a powerhouse of nutrients." Bad: Hummus contains around 25 calories per tablespoon—so if you don't keep an eye on how much you're scooping, you can rack up calories quickly. In other words, less hummus and more veggies is the ideal strategy. Shrimp Cocktail What's Good: "Not only is shrimp a good source of the antioxidant/anti-inflammatory astaxanthin, as well as omega-3s, but 80% of its calories come from protein," says Aratounians. What's Bad: Shrimp are high in cholesterol, which may be an issue for those who are watching their numbers—but for most people, the high omega-3 content still makes it a worthy option. Just be careful not to douse the shrimp in high-sodium/high-sugar cocktail sauce. Chicken Skewers Chicken Skewers What's Good: "Chicken skewers made with low-fat, high-protein chicken breast can be a healthy and filling appetizer," Aratounians says. "If the chicken pieces are layered with superfood veggies such as peppers and zucchini, it makes it even better." What's Bad: If the chicken is breaded or slathered in a sugary sauce, you may wind up consuming a lot of hidden calories and carbs. Bacon-Wrapped Scallops What's Good: The scallops—they're an awesome source of selenium, phosphorus, B12, zinc, iron, omega-3s, copper, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. What's Bad: The bacon, of course. "Wrapping scallops in bacon can potentially triple their calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol content," says Aratounians. Indulge in one or two if they're your absolute favorite, but don't polish off the whole tray. Stuffed Mushrooms What's Good: They have potential. "Stuffed mushrooms can make a delicious and healthy bite-sized appetizer, as long as the stuffing is veggie-based and isn't loaded with bread crumbs, cheese, and cream," Aratounians says. What's Bad: What's inside is anyone's guess. While there are plenty of healthy homemade recipes out there, most people will opt for the carb-heavy, prepackaged variety. "Stuffed mushrooms are labor-intensive, so they're usually store-bought," cautions Aratounians. "This makes it harder to find healthier versions." Of course, you can always find out who brought the mushrooms and ask for their recipe—and then plan your noshing strategy accordingly. Nuts Nuts What's Good: "Raw nuts can be a nutritious appetizer that provides heart-healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals," Aratounians says. What's Bad: Portion control is a toughie—who can stop after an ounce of nuts? "You can quickly add hundreds of calories to your daily intake without even realizing it," warns Aratounians. Spinach Dip What's Good: The spinach—and that's about it. What's Bad: The leafy greens are usually drowning in mayo and cheese—and you're probably scooping them up with chips, crackers, or pumpernickel. "Although this is a party favorite, a few tablespoons of this dip can be loaded with hundreds of calories that come mostly from saturated fats," Aratounians says. Frozen Goodies What's Good: They're easy. There's a reason heat-and-eat apps like pizza rolls, cocktail franks, and mini quiches are a party staple. After all, you don't have to be Martha Stewart to microwave some Southwestern egg rolls. Frozen Pizza Rolls What's Bad: "Packaged appetizers are often highly processed and loaded with calories, sodium, unhealthy fats, refined carbohydrates, additives, and preservatives," says Aratounians. "This makes them one of the unhealthiest choices with hardly any nutritional benefits." Nachos and Cheese What's Good: Salsa can be low in calories and a good source of antioxidants, lycopene, and potassium. What's Bad: Everything else. "Most cheese sauces don't even meet the requirements for being called cheese—they're loaded with neon-orange food dyes and MSG," says Aratounians. "This appetizer is high in calories, fat, sodium, additives, and preservatives—need I say more?" Nope, that pretty much covers it. Of course, even when you know the nutritional damage of your favorite finger foods, it's hard to resist temptation when it's staring you in the face. The easiest way to avoid overeating? "Don't go to a party hungry!" Aratounians says. "Have a Shakeology® with water and ice, or a handful of raw nuts, before you head out." Two more smart tips from her: Hold a glass of wine in one hand and your phone in the other, so you can't nibble without doing some juggling. And if you're worried there won't be any healthy options, bring one with you—you'll salvage your diet and help the host out. Win-win!